Race for the Cure

or, as I like to call this, annual "Give Me Your Money" because you love me blog post day :)

Please consider giving a small donation to my fundraising efforts for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, coming up on Saturday, April 16 in downtown Indianapolis. This is the only solicitation I will send out for fundraising this year (at least as far as walks and/or races are concerned). Just a small donation of even $5-10 helps me work toward my goal. It all adds up!

This is a very fun, moving and inspiring event - and I plan on forming a team for next year's race if anyone's interested in participating and walking alongside me. Thank you for any small donation you can manage - I know times are tough, but I am lucky enough to be in a position now to focus my time and efforts on doing some good for others!

Visit my personal fundraising page here: http://race.komenindy.org/goto/heididrock


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