
About this time every year, my blood runs green and I pay sloppy homage to the Irish streak that runs through my family tree. Or shelele. Something wooden, anyway.

While I will, of course, have to get out, pull a pint and raise my glass to no one in particular and everyone at the same time, I thought I'd throw out a few good terms you can use if you're out and about and witness something, well, oddly entertaining.

It's a safe bet that at some point in the evening, you'll run across someone doing their impression of Michael Flatley and Riverdance, hopefully sans sequins, jumpsuit and unusually-shaped coif. Just say, "Maith thú" ("well done", also applies to someone falling raucously down a staircase or tripping over a pebble in the parking lot). If you're feeling slightly more drunk and obnoxious, let out a "Fillean meal ar an meallaire." ("Evil returns to the evil doer." As we all know, NO ONE should be impersonating this fruity Irish export, even under the cover of sarcasm. It's rude to foist an Irish cultural failure in their faces on the day we celebrate their heritage.)

When you run into another obnoxiously drunk person, as you are bound to, you could pull out "Titim gan éirí ort." ("May you fall without rising."). Let's face it, we all want to see that jackass face down on the courthouse lawn or in a parking lot when we get in our car to go to work the next morning. Just make sure it's not YOU that's the total jackass.

When you see a particularly lovely man through your beer goggles, you can bust out with "a ghrá mo chroí" ("love of my heart") without totally embarrassing yourself. Perhaps he'll smile and nod, perhaps he'll move on, and perhaps you'll direct his attention where it should be placed - in your lap.

Whether you're Irish or not, this is the week we celebrate our hardworking, lovely ancestors, neighbors, blokes and lasses with an enthusiastic bender through town. So, Slainte!

Now, in the great words of Mike Myers...."Let's get pissed!"

"Is fear rith maith ná drochsheasamh." (I mostly like this one because the last word sounds like my last name if you run it together and totally mispronounce it:) "A good run is better than a bad stand." Remember that when you're leaning at a weird angle and about to fall over.


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