witness to a murder

a cool breeze kicked up and suddenly the sky went black above me. the dark teeming mass of beating wings and lacquered beaks spontaneously breaking apart and coming back together with bits of fluffy gray in between. a familiar flapping and unmistakable call joining the rise and fall. witness to a murder.

a lone crow descended to the path in front of me. i stopped and we sized each other up. talon to trail, boot to path. the distance between us growing smaller. we both stood then, immovable. more crowing from above. two bold steps breaking into flight, spiraling upward just a few feet above.

i turned to the left, trailing further toward the arboretum guided by the scent of laurel and the Midwinter fire making rainbows of the thicket. i didn't look up, hearing the call get fainter. i left the murder scene behind, the rainfall urging me to quicken my pace.


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