under the weather

Whether it hits you like a ton of viral bricks or festers for a fortnight, there’s no denying that a bout of ill-timed sickness tends to disrupt your world when you can least afford it. What I’ve gleaned over the past few years, however, is that this sickness tends to come on at a time when I need a break, rather than want one. I’ve simply felt “off”, for lack of a better word, for the past several weeks – physically, mentally and, in some ways, emotionally.

I’ve been totally neglecting myself for several weeks. A random knee/ankle injury one day and a total gut-wrenching (literally) couple of days planted on the couch have forced the issue front and center. When I’ve lacked motivation in recent days, I’ve simply ignored or passed off my issues. As we all know, these things tend to manifest themselves in our lives ten-fold. So, now I’m paying attention. Time to get my body right with my mind.


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