to blog or not to blog?
… that really was never a question. Honestly, folks, I’ve been far too busy being way more “in the moment” the past few weeks than worrying about my self-analysis. And that can be a very good thing.
I have had a tendency this last year or so to just over-think things and while this differs from second-guessing myself, this kind of self-awareness really has been more directed at discovering WHY I behave or act the way I do. The running theme of these blogs has been my willingness to start recognizing patterns, coping mechanisms and supported behaviors that inform my daily and short-term goals and decisions. In other words, it is serving a useful purpose, but it’s great to get out of my own head from time to time and give the self-induced therapy a break.
So what’s been happening? A lot of positive feedback and additional responsibility at the workplace, a reduced amount of freelance/contract projects on the side, an attempt to re-spark my interests in being more physically fit in addition to all this emotional mumbo jumbo, and a desire to truly enjoy myself – at least for a few minutes – every day. I’m taking a lesson from my sister-in-law who instructs my nephew to just be “in the moment” and not to worry as much about what’s ahead or what’s just been completed.
My mind is already beginning the crawl from cubicle incarceration to the welcoming tidal waves that await my beach-bumming, poolside-sitting, wine-sipping, robot-zombie-reenacting vacation. The plan is merely to soak in the brightness and goodness that surrounds me, and heed the advice so eloquently advertised to us years ago: You Deserve a Break Today.
I have had a tendency this last year or so to just over-think things and while this differs from second-guessing myself, this kind of self-awareness really has been more directed at discovering WHY I behave or act the way I do. The running theme of these blogs has been my willingness to start recognizing patterns, coping mechanisms and supported behaviors that inform my daily and short-term goals and decisions. In other words, it is serving a useful purpose, but it’s great to get out of my own head from time to time and give the self-induced therapy a break.
So what’s been happening? A lot of positive feedback and additional responsibility at the workplace, a reduced amount of freelance/contract projects on the side, an attempt to re-spark my interests in being more physically fit in addition to all this emotional mumbo jumbo, and a desire to truly enjoy myself – at least for a few minutes – every day. I’m taking a lesson from my sister-in-law who instructs my nephew to just be “in the moment” and not to worry as much about what’s ahead or what’s just been completed.
My mind is already beginning the crawl from cubicle incarceration to the welcoming tidal waves that await my beach-bumming, poolside-sitting, wine-sipping, robot-zombie-reenacting vacation. The plan is merely to soak in the brightness and goodness that surrounds me, and heed the advice so eloquently advertised to us years ago: You Deserve a Break Today.