
I heard it once said that “life is made up of a series of moments”. I’m paraphrasing, of course, but it’s interesting to think of life as a series of small events that are comprised of joy, pain, truth and beauty. I’ve been thinking a lot about these moments recently, and figure if there is a series of moments, there must be prolonged lapses in between. Lapses where you savor, recover, plan and prepare. Figure out how to move on while even when you want to live and prolong those moments of unexpected joy and passion before they become nothing but fond memories. How to remain hopeful even as you watch interests wan. Finding peace even when moments that held such promise and potential grow distant and restless as they remain unfulfilled.

How difficult is it to let the notion of something great go while considering fulfillment in the future? Do shared moments last longer and can you recapture their essence down the road? When those moments converge will it be a disappointment, or can that potential be tapped into something more substantial?

Life is fleeting, to be sure. But is it wrong to want to live life in moments that are powerful, connective and passionate in nature?

No one who has lived even for a fleeting moment for something other than life in its conventional sense and has experienced the exaltation that this feeling produces can then renounce his new freedom so easily.” – Andre Breton


Dennis said…
Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse!

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