
As part of my 30 Days experiment, I decided to add a second blog post per week every week going forward. These will likely be pretty random and have far less psycho-babble involved. I’d rather take a pause from my intense self-scrutiny and get into something a bit more fun – giving shout-outs and props to what’s blowing my skirt up these days. Without further ado…


The Black Keys
I’m completely, hopelessly in crazy-crush mode with Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys. It’s an ongoing kind of appreciation that has lasted for years, even through the roadside Jesus-beard phase. There has always been some indefinable, can’t-put-my-finger-on-it attraction to this Akron duo’s music; it’s raw, messy, visceral and purely instinctual modern garage-rock blues. Auerbach manages to express, through a loose guitar riff or pinpoint lyric, the truth. There is a pure, undiluted love of soul-stirring classics that underpins their records; and I am completely obsessed with their most recent album, Brothers. Many fans wouldn’t consider it their best album, but I dig it in a major way. I always have a reaction when I hear one of their songs come on, and it just reaches right into my gut and heart when I sing along, rather loudly and often turning heads when the windows are down in the car. They love what they do, make no apologies for their work, and have fun when they perform. And I love listening to it.

That’s right. Kanye. Some of you may be surprised by this one, but I’m coming out of the Kanye closet. He is a freakshow of bombastic proportions; a social savant if I ever saw one. He never says the right thing, reacts in unimaginable ways in nearly every public setting, and can’t stop himself from making everyone uncomfortable around him. And somehow it makes me love him more. In an industry of slick, muted personalities and substandard talent, he is a breath of fresh air. It wouldn’t even be tolerable if he wasn’t so damn talented. He may tell you just how talented he is, but as long as he keeps backing it up with provocative, lyrical, unexpectedly thoughtful work, I really don’t care and will defend him to anyone who has a problem with him. Represent, Kanye - do your thing.

Foodie Love

What can I say about Nutella? When autumn rolls around, I desire nothing more than a piece of toast slathered with Nutella and a strong cup of coffee or tea. It’s hazelnutty-chocolaty-goodness in a reasonably-priced plastic tub. A small price to pay for contentment.

Hot Curry Paste
My pantry is never without a jar of hot curry paste. It pretty much tastes good with everything and adds just the right kick to veggies, chicken, pork…whatever. If hot curry paste is involved, any food will be infinitely better. I make a mean hot chicken/spinach/garbanzo curry. It’s a fall-winter staple and soothes the soul just like a good pot of chili or soup.

Random Blogosphere

Clients from Hell
Any graphic designer will tell you that you can’t make this stuff up. The often hilarious recounts of emails and comments made when you’re piecing together a project for someone is well documented on this website. I find comfort in the ridiculousness that we (graphic designers) encounter just by reading these. It’s often as if my own conversations and communications have been taped and dictated back online.

Pluff Mud Diaries
Yes, I’m taking the opportunity to plug my sister-in-law’s blog. This could definitely be considered nepotism at work, if it had no merit. But the truth is that I look forward to reading Molly’s blog entries every week. Not because I know her well, but because she expresses herself with an eloquence and sincerity that is unique and thoughtful. For those of you who don’t know Molly, this is but a small sliver of insight into a true sister who helps me along my journey as she continues to walk through this world on her own path.


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