"I wanted the Sex Pistols to compete with the Bay City Rollers." - Malcolm McLaren
"Can you imagine Johnny Rotten singing 'Shang a Lang'? He He He. Everyone knows Malcolm McLaren is a fucking wanker." - John Lydon
"Glen just wanted to be on Top of the Pops. We're all...the Sex Pistols are all just music whores." - John Lydon
"When you talk like an asshole, and you look like an asshole. you ARE an asshole."
(After being dropped from A & M Records, after being dropped by EMI and then picked up by Virgin Records) "We weren't the nice boys they thought we were. We were nasty little bastards...and we still are." - Sid
I love this movie. The Filth and the Fury. A documentary. I've seen it about 10 times. IFC is doing punk month for July. They do one every year. So that means lots more airtime for henry rollins and some truly interesting movies. I think they're premiering the Green Day "Jesus of Suburbia" short, too (my favorite "song" off of American Idiot, an epic clocking in at somewhere around 9 minutes). Some really good stuff on it during July. Anyway, Filth never fails to entertain because it's told from the perspective of all the members of the Sex Pistols (rip. sid.), but the best one-liners are delivered from Lydon, not shockingly. It's just completely candid and hilarious in parts. A great glimpse and actually showcases Johnny's intelligence. He's not just a fuckwit, quite brilliant, actually (of course you can't tell from this
So, if you can check out this movie, it doesn't disappoint.
Also, those of you who ever care to go to New York in your future, or who wish to save all my future trips to New York, I plead with you to go to this website: There, you can sign the petition or send in letters to save CBGB from having to shut down its doors. It's very hard for me to explain why I love it so much. I can't ever find the right words. Part of it is that I feel better knowing that it's open, it's still kicking the crap out of the indie punk and rock scene, and that its legacy will move headlong into the future long after i'm dead. to think of this club closing makes me feel very depressed, very angry and very anxious. It's the last bastion of unfiltered performance and true rock spirit. Enough. Please sign the petition or write in a short letter (see the guidelines on the site), if, for nothing else, to give me the chance to go back again. thanks, kids.
"Can you imagine Johnny Rotten singing 'Shang a Lang'? He He He. Everyone knows Malcolm McLaren is a fucking wanker." - John Lydon
"Glen just wanted to be on Top of the Pops. We're all...the Sex Pistols are all just music whores." - John Lydon
"When you talk like an asshole, and you look like an asshole. you ARE an asshole."
(After being dropped from A & M Records, after being dropped by EMI and then picked up by Virgin Records) "We weren't the nice boys they thought we were. We were nasty little bastards...and we still are." - Sid
I love this movie. The Filth and the Fury. A documentary. I've seen it about 10 times. IFC is doing punk month for July. They do one every year. So that means lots more airtime for henry rollins and some truly interesting movies. I think they're premiering the Green Day "Jesus of Suburbia" short, too (my favorite "song" off of American Idiot, an epic clocking in at somewhere around 9 minutes). Some really good stuff on it during July. Anyway, Filth never fails to entertain because it's told from the perspective of all the members of the Sex Pistols (rip. sid.), but the best one-liners are delivered from Lydon, not shockingly. It's just completely candid and hilarious in parts. A great glimpse and actually showcases Johnny's intelligence. He's not just a fuckwit, quite brilliant, actually (of course you can't tell from this
So, if you can check out this movie, it doesn't disappoint.
Also, those of you who ever care to go to New York in your future, or who wish to save all my future trips to New York, I plead with you to go to this website: There, you can sign the petition or send in letters to save CBGB from having to shut down its doors. It's very hard for me to explain why I love it so much. I can't ever find the right words. Part of it is that I feel better knowing that it's open, it's still kicking the crap out of the indie punk and rock scene, and that its legacy will move headlong into the future long after i'm dead. to think of this club closing makes me feel very depressed, very angry and very anxious. It's the last bastion of unfiltered performance and true rock spirit. Enough. Please sign the petition or write in a short letter (see the guidelines on the site), if, for nothing else, to give me the chance to go back again. thanks, kids.
Something that Henry Rollins (didn't he used to be a musician?) also brought up on his show on IFC was The Decline of Western Civilization, which is a great document of the early 80s LA scene. Rumor has it that it will be out on DVD before the end of the year...